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Installation of the ARGO pilot plant on the Terna spa (C) Electrical National Grid in northern Italy.

Tixon Energy s.r.l patented technology ARGO builds on the well known principle of magnetic induction. A sophisticated electronic device makes it possible to transform the highly inductive energy in a stable, direct current backed up by a state of the art lithium battery.

The Argo project has undergone many stages in its development process starting from the ideation of the device based on physics principle, toward the construction of first and second version of the magnetic antenna and of the container of service electronics and software.

A (very) loosely coupled magnetic circuit, a big antenna catching the energy, a sophisticated power supply to make it usable, and lots of possible service electronic components. Check here the general architecture and principles of the ARGO systems.

Once you have some power at the top of electricity network towers, a wide range of application scenarios become possible, from distributed monitoring to security surveillance, up to offering Internet connectivity to communities living in a  digital divide condition.

Thanks to a number of partners who believe in the Tixon technology, a few test installations have been set up in the past years. Starting from IR videosurveillance to prevent/detect fires to distributed environmental monitoring.

Here are listed the public and private organizations that has cooperated to the project or certified the validity of the solution.