The 2008 Navigant Report



In its 2008 report on the future of smart grids, the American Company Navigant forecast a total worldwide investment of 54B$ by TSOs and DSOs
A significant portion of this investment (around 10B$) will be dedicated to the sensors to be installed on power line towers, along the infrastructure distributed over thousands of Kms in every country.




The Ideal Power Supply


In order to remain operational and guarantee uninterrupted service over time, these electronic devices must rely on a robust and top quality power supply which must offer the following features:


Battery-less operation
The American research center Electrical Power Research Institute showed how the usage of batteries in this context would significantly reduce the overall system reliability. At the same time their opinion is that a battery-less power supply will not be available on the market for the next 10 years.

External attacks immunity

The Horizon 2020 European Commission requires that all electronic systems installed at the top of power line towers be protected against potential vandalism and terrorism acts.

Operational immunity from environmental and electrical phenomena

Electrical networks pose serious challenges due to the potentially extreme environmental conditions as extreme temperatures, snow, ice, fog, lightning, etc.

Prototype power supply systems available on the market

  • They are generally based on PV photovoltaic technology, and cannot operate without a battery (no generation at night).
  • PV panels’ surfaces are fragile and cannot be protected from external attacks without lowering their performances.
  • PV panels re extremely sensitive to weather environmental and electrical conditions.



EPRI : Future Inspection of Overhead Transmission Lines.pdf